Monday, 15 November 2010

Lifestyle Shoot

So these couple of images were shot a week or so ago on location... secret as I'm sure that no one else uses this location at all...

A friend of mine through work asked if I would take some photos of her sister, sister in law x2 and her children... the idea was for a pressie for the grand parents from each side.

So we arranged the time and place, and met up and took a drive over to this place. It's an old mansion, acres of land and woodland, a few lakes, and this massive hall bang in the center, along with old servant quaters as well...

We walked from the still working farm, all the way to the house, all the way I was taking the natural shots of the kids messing around in the leaves.

I don't really like the posed shots, I don't think they look natural, but, some work when the kids are as cute as this.

So, usually when requested to take some lifestyle shots, I would either suggest a location, or if the family / model want a particular place, I will take a drive at the same time of day (when possible) as the shoot is arranged for. This way I can scout out the best places, and angles to get some nice artistic light... I try to only use natural light so the images look as natural as possible.

However, on this occassion I did not get the time, I only received permission to shoot at this location 2 days before the day, so we pretty much had to play it by ear, but I'm pleased with the results.

This guy was the oldest of the bunch, and obviously the one who could actually take a little direction. He was actually quite willing to try different things, and stood as still as you like, smiled when told, didn't smile when asked... pleasure...

All in all it was a lovely afternoon out, a great walk around some beautiful grounds, and a pleasure to spend some time with friends and great company... they have already suggested that they want to book again soon.... BONUS....

So don't forget to check out my flickr stream where you can see a couple more from the days outing, but not all, obvioulsy the client needs to make their selection....  Flickr Photostream

If you want to know more check out -

And hit the contact button if you would like to chat about anything you read, or if you would like to get some info on booking...

thanks for reading...


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