Thursday, 29 July 2010

Iron Bridge

This shot was take a while ago, a good friend has been over from Australia fro a couple of years, but living and working down in London. And she is now going back to the land of crims.

So she popped up to see me and the family, so we went to one of my fav places, Iron Bridge in Shropshire for a few drinks.

We were walking through the town and having a little look around as she hadn't been there, sat down on a wall to take in the view and the sun broke through the clouds, I composed my shot, asked her to turn around and got her with a nice natural smile.

It was the 50mm lens, at f3 and relatively fast sutter (again, sorry I forget). I like these kind of shots, the sun coming in from the side... I think there really is the nice natural look about them.

The only post process work is adding my water mark, the rest is as shot.

Don't forget to take a look at my other images - Flickr Photostream


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Still life...

I have seen this tyoe of image a lot on Flickr and wanted to give it a try.

So armed with a new box of strawberries, a clean glass, bit of water and my 50mm, f2.8 and as fast as I could get the shutter.

I made the set up, obviously in front of a wall (outside my kitchen) and had a platform, draped a black sheet over it, and placed a piece of clear perspex ontop, mainly so the sheet didn't get wet, but as it happens it gave a lovely reflection.

Tripod at the ready and shutter remote, and just started dropping... got some duff ones where I missed it, but got some nice ones too... I'm going to try the same set up with a clear vase, see if I can get some entry bubbles.

Again, please check out my website and my Flickr Photostream


Trip to the Zoo...

Ok so this is a quick blog about my last trip to Chester Zoo with the family...

It was a very very hot day, so most of the animals were just not willing to pose, laying around sunbathing...

So this was on from the Insect house... he was just sitting there, every so oftern moving his wings around.

I used my 55 - 200mm lens, and shot with f5.4, can't remember the sutter speed, but it wasn't that quick because it was quite dull lighting. I could of used flash, but I always think flash doesn't give the natural look I like.

I focused on the head, and composed the shot so I had a little bit of the leaves in the forground to give it a little bit of a border... I hope you like it. I tried to make it look like he was hiding and I had to walk miles through the jungle to find him.

This is one of my favorite shots of insects, I've yet to add it to my website. Pleae let me know your thoughts.

Don't forget my Flickr Photostream
Also try this - View Large


Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Ok, so I thought I would start after that load of rambling, with a quick shot from the latest Wedding...

This shot was taken while the bridesmaids were having their hair done, the bride partially finished was waiting relatively patiently so we practiced a few poses ready for later...

I used my fav 50mm prime set a F4 and used a window to my right for the natural light... admitedly it's not really that well focused, but as the D60 doesn't have a lens motor, I had to manually focus.

The 50mm AF-S is around £300 quid, about the same for the camera... you figure that one, and hopefully see why I bought the cheaper 50mm prime...

Anyway, we had a whole 15 - 20 mins for this, and actually had a laugh. the niece of the bride was very entertaining.

So this Wedding, I wasn't on my own... nope, I have read too many horror stories to go it alone... and it is also a friend from work, and didn't want the responsability of making a balls up of her very specail day...

So after thinking about it, and the constant pester from her every day at work, I googled 'Wedding Photography' until my eyes bled... basically I said that I would gladly take some pictures, BUT, I would only do it if I was to shadow a pro. That way, I could do my fav reportage type shots, and he had the pressure of doing all the posed stuff... also, if I made a balls up, it wouldn't matter as he would have done the job he was paid to do and I would just add a few nice ones to the collective pot.

So my friend agreed to this, and thankfully understood where I was coming from.. however, the pro didn't want to any of the 'Getting Ready Shots'... too much faffing around for my liking?? So the pressure was on fro me to take the plunge and had to get to the hotel for 8am taking photos of her getting ready, and up to the church, then my job was to take nice natural shots of the party unfolding...

I have to say that I was very lucky, and the experience was very enjoyable, you hear so many stories of things going wrong. But I took some duffers, as well as some really nice shots... and spent the whole day shooting away happy go lucky.

So things I made a point of doing...

a) Giving the Bride a thank you for choosing Graham Welsby Photography card.
b) Was always polite and made sure I didn't get in the way of what was happening.
c) If people posed, always asked permission to take the shot, I know it was my job, but they wer being shot left right and center by the pro anyway...
d) Asked the driver if he minded me getting in th ecar to take some photos
e) when meeting the pro, shook his hand and made sure he didn't mind me taking some photo's.
f) was alway polite to everyone there
g) made sure I enjoyed myself....

So, what did the bride think??? Well, I am pleased to say that she told me she loved all the photo's. She had a massive grin from ear to ear when looking through them... BUT WAIT... this gets better... I have now seen the 'Pro's' photos. and although unprofessional to say, but they were not that good. Both the Bride and Grooms family said that it was like looking at two different weddings. I know that sounds really big headed, but I am so proud and have had such a confidence boost!

I will be doing another, but will always go to the venue with a moto - be prepared.. I was lucky on my first wedding... the bride was atractive (great for the portfolio), the sun was shining, and everyone was happy... so I was very lucky indeed... but for now pats on the back for me... high 5!!

There are more to see on my Flickr Feed - Graham Welsby Flickr Photostream please feel free to comment.


My First ever Blog

So this is my first ever blog... not sure why I'm starting this to be honest, but thought I'd give it a go and see where it took me...

Basically, I thought that I would add to this every time I went out and did a little bit of photography, and try to explain how I did things, maybe it's more of a diary than a blog, but hey, doubt anyone will read these ramblings anyway.

So photography is a passion and hobby of mine, I love taking the camera out with me, and find that you can find some really interesting pepole. I have been interested in photography for as long as I can remember, and have always had a point and shoot of some sort.

I find that unlike video, it really is a skill to capture the moment, to portray the real feeling and emotion of a scene, without being a full on kill buzz. I find the reportage type is probably my favorite as there is real emotion and a more natural look, probably easier to get the natural look when not posed...

So I became a little more serious in photography about two/three years ago when I was sent away to South Africa for work.. taking my Sony Cyber shot with me took some really nice shots, but met a couple of guys who were really into their photo's as well... both had DSLR's one slightly more expensive than the other, and gave me a go with a Nikon D3.. well that moment made me decide that I really should have bought one years ago, so got home did some research and here I am, one Nikon D60 later and over 10,000 actuations and still rising on a daily basis...

I have done family portraits, I've done some commercial and even just recently my first wedding... joined a camera club.. Broseley Camera Club , which we meet every month. I like it, it's not over the top, it's always relaxed, and now I've been going for over a year has given me more and more confidence to get out there and shoot....

Like most I have a flickr account... Flickr Photostream please feel free to take a peak, and if you have flickr, please leave a comment... always love to hear what people think.

I also have a web site... again, please feel free to take a peak.. but like most amatures, it is a very eclectic selection from all of my work...

Well enough rambling from me... I hope to add more soon... hopefully someone will read this, and maybe get something out of it....
