Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Still life...

I have seen this tyoe of image a lot on Flickr and wanted to give it a try.

So armed with a new box of strawberries, a clean glass, bit of water and my 50mm, f2.8 and as fast as I could get the shutter.

I made the set up, obviously in front of a wall (outside my kitchen) and had a platform, draped a black sheet over it, and placed a piece of clear perspex ontop, mainly so the sheet didn't get wet, but as it happens it gave a lovely reflection.

Tripod at the ready and shutter remote, and just started dropping... got some duff ones where I missed it, but got some nice ones too... I'm going to try the same set up with a clear vase, see if I can get some entry bubbles.

Again, please check out my website and my Flickr Photostream


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