Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Trip to the Zoo...

Ok so this is a quick blog about my last trip to Chester Zoo with the family...

It was a very very hot day, so most of the animals were just not willing to pose, laying around sunbathing...

So this was on from the Insect house... he was just sitting there, every so oftern moving his wings around.

I used my 55 - 200mm lens, and shot with f5.4, can't remember the sutter speed, but it wasn't that quick because it was quite dull lighting. I could of used flash, but I always think flash doesn't give the natural look I like.

I focused on the head, and composed the shot so I had a little bit of the leaves in the forground to give it a little bit of a border... I hope you like it. I tried to make it look like he was hiding and I had to walk miles through the jungle to find him.

This is one of my favorite shots of insects, I've yet to add it to my website. Pleae let me know your thoughts.

Don't forget my Flickr Photostream
Also try this - View Large


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