Tuesday, 27 July 2010

My First ever Blog

So this is my first ever blog... not sure why I'm starting this to be honest, but thought I'd give it a go and see where it took me...

Basically, I thought that I would add to this every time I went out and did a little bit of photography, and try to explain how I did things, maybe it's more of a diary than a blog, but hey, doubt anyone will read these ramblings anyway.

So photography is a passion and hobby of mine, I love taking the camera out with me, and find that you can find some really interesting pepole. I have been interested in photography for as long as I can remember, and have always had a point and shoot of some sort.

I find that unlike video, it really is a skill to capture the moment, to portray the real feeling and emotion of a scene, without being a full on kill buzz. I find the reportage type is probably my favorite as there is real emotion and a more natural look, probably easier to get the natural look when not posed...

So I became a little more serious in photography about two/three years ago when I was sent away to South Africa for work.. taking my Sony Cyber shot with me took some really nice shots, but met a couple of guys who were really into their photo's as well... both had DSLR's one slightly more expensive than the other, and gave me a go with a Nikon D3.. well that moment made me decide that I really should have bought one years ago, so got home did some research and here I am, one Nikon D60 later and over 10,000 actuations and still rising on a daily basis...

I have done family portraits, I've done some commercial and even just recently my first wedding... joined a camera club.. Broseley Camera Club , which we meet every month. I like it, it's not over the top, it's always relaxed, and now I've been going for over a year has given me more and more confidence to get out there and shoot....

Like most I have a flickr account... Flickr Photostream please feel free to take a peak, and if you have flickr, please leave a comment... always love to hear what people think.

I also have a web site... GrahamWelsby.com again, please feel free to take a peak.. but like most amatures, it is a very eclectic selection from all of my work...

Well enough rambling from me... I hope to add more soon... hopefully someone will read this, and maybe get something out of it....


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